Sunday, October 2, 2011

Enough is Enough!

What happens when enough is simply ENOUGH. You and your partner have been together for over a year or two and you can't seem to stop the arguments and you really think she's loosing interest. So many that are in relationships like this tend to get so scared of loosing that person that they STAY IN. I can't really say I don't understand because I completely understand the fear of change. However, does that really mean you string along a relationship just because it's going to hard to move on, isn't it already hard just staying in the relationship.

Like many of you reading this, I also have a friend that is doing the same thing. Her girlfriend is clearly talking to her ex and constantly making excuses for everything. So of course I have to ask how much is Enough? They can't even have a conversation that doesn't turn into an argument. However, her answer is " Well I just think we will get over it eventually". It's getting worse by the day, I don't really see it taking a 180 turn for the good. Let me get one thing straight I'm definitely not trying to rip her relationship to pieces because I think that part is already done. I really just want her to open her eyes and realize that she doesn't have to put up with the crap. She's the kind of girl that can't be alone and always has to have someone, so naturally you can see why this is even more difficult.

I have definitely taken a step back and closed my mouth because its not my relationship, but every time I have hear the her talk about this I'm stuck thinking ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. But yet there is nothing that no one can say or do to change the mind of someone that is afraid of change.

For all of you: How Much Is Enough? 

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