Tuesday, May 15, 2012

To be a Muslim Lesbian or Not to be?

Finding a person you can truly connect with is one of the most difficult things to accomplish. It takes a desire on both ends and a want to build a relationship. While some of us are looking to find that "special connection" and someone to fall in love with others may have a different agenda. So what is the other agenda?

I know a person personally who's agenda is definitely down a different path, in fact she doesn't believe in LOVE. Honestly when she told me I was completely shocked and actually pretty sad. I'm engaged to be married to my partner and can't think of anyone else I could love more than her. Well I think I found a slight factor in why she does not believe in love, she's Muslim. And before anyone say's thats not true just hear me out, because I'm not trying to say its not possible but, rather for her it's increasingly more difficult.

In the Muslim culture arranged marriages are the "norm,"even for those in the United States. My friend, for all intensive purpose will be named *Natasha, is a Muslim who was born overseas, but raised in the States. She was also apart of an arranged marriage at the age of 17, now divorced. Now call me crazy but, at 17 all of was thinking of was who the next person I was going on a date with, definitely not marrying a man I had never had a conversation with. So I'm not going to give you a drag out story of what I really think of that, better yet form your own opinion. It's a culture that I can admit I have a lack of knowledge in but, I still have respect for it.

Getting down the the nitty gritty, I decided since she seemed to think love did not exist, I personally thought she just hadn't found it in the right person and therefore needed to at least have the experience! By experience I mean be in the company of women who love women! Maybe she just hadn't been treated with love by a person to know that it even existed. So we went out to a lesbian club in NYC. I really wanted her to let loose and just be comfortable,

Yes of course it started out a little awkward as my fiancee came along and another couple, but after a couple of rough songs and a couple of drinks she was ready to go! If you don't think love exist then how do you know where to find it. Let me tell you she was definitely up for having a good time and no I was not trying to hook her up, I simply wanted her to escape herself for the night and do whatever she felt was right. She did! Before we knew it she was dancing with a friend of mine and handling her own! She's even got the nerve to tip the dancer, yes this meant touching. All I could hear from her by the end of the night was "I had a great time!"

Ultimately I think I accomplished my goal! Not sure if she's ever had that great of a time with a guy but, I would be interested to see what happens during round 2!

Coming Soon Round 2!


  1. Good for her! In life regardless of religion, experiences are require in order to make the correct decision for ones self. Her choice and her beliefs are her own. It is so hard when you are raised in a disciplined religion to be "you" but it is possible. The love and relationship that is shared between that person and the God are individual! I say YOU GO GIRL..

    1. Amen! She's got to live her life for her! She's definitlely understanding that :) thanks for the comment!
