Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How we decided the DATE for the BIG DAY??

Wedding Date Much

I wanted to come back to everyone with an update. A couple of you were asking when the wedding is taking place. I really thought I posted it, but if not the date is September 8th 2012. If you are thinking that’s fast, YOUR RIGHT. If you are thinking we are rushing is, YOUR WRONG. Since we got in engaged early this year we really had to way our options as far as the date was concerned. We thought we would definitely need to wait until next year just to have enough time to plan.

However, waiting until next year really meant around May, since this is obviously when it's warmer. Neither one of us want have the wedding during the winter months and in the north everything from October to early April is still cold. So the questions was did we want to wait about a year and half to get married, NO.

Then we thought about this year since we were still early in the year. We starting think about the end of year but, again these are winter months so November and December were a no go. Not only would it be cold but, also these are major holiday months for our families. Then there was October, absolutely not happening during my birthday month. So we got to September, surprisingly this the one month with no significant events, however there were some birthdays weekends we wanted to avoid so finally we came to the conclusion of September 8th!

That was a crazy long story of how we decided the date, I know. You really don't think of all the things surrounding the date until you are actually doing it. If any of you are thinking of your special date please consider the things I did and if you have other things to keep in mind share them.

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